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July 2024


  • Hakama class – Sunday June 30th, 11:00 am. A dojo meeting will follow. This is mandatory for all instructors

  • Wednesday July 3rd, Danny will teach the 7:00pm class and will focus on Randori

  • Thursday July 4th – the DOJO will be closed. Have a great day.

  • Lehrman Shihan will teach class Wed July 10th, 7:00-8:30

  • We are hosting Camp Riverbend again on July 17th. We will need volunteers to assist Sensei Jay teach 20 – 25 teens

  • Summer Camp Will be held in Montreal from July 21 to 27, 2024.

  • Wednesday Aug 7, Rob Vichnis, instructor from Aikido of Park Slope (and artist who created the O’Sensei carving on the wall) Guest Instructor for the 7:00pm class

  • Lehrman Shihan will teach class Wed Aug 14th, 7:00-8:30

  • Hal Lehrman Shihan will be teaching Oct. 12-13 in Portsmouth NH, A few students have gone every year.

  • Dues will be changing on July 1st, you have received an email outlining the changes. If anyone has any questions, feel free to talk to Sensei Jay

ASNJ is the oldest aikido dojo in NJ. Founded in 1977. We offer  25+ classes per week.

Sensei Jay Tall is the Chief Instructor, along with Shihan Hal Lehrman, 7th dan.

©2017 Aikido Schools of New Jersey.  Member of the United States Aikido Federation.

Please review us on Google.

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